100 Years — That’s It!

Casey Keys
1 min readFeb 24, 2021

Today I heard someone say something along the lines of “in 100 years, everyone on the Earth right now will be dead.” That wasn’t exactly what they said … but it has the general gist. And it got me thinking: why do we place so much value on what others think of us?

Our whole lives are controlled by the opinions of others. We judge ourselves and create our self-worth based on what other people think of us. That’s terrible! Think about all the time we spend in front of a mirror — doing our hair, teeth, makeup, whatever! All the time in front of a camera, posing for social media. Trying to get the most “natural shot” of you cooking spaghetti on a stove. All the time, then, going through social media, taking the number of likes our most recent post got and comparing that to someone else’s post.

Why do we care so much about what others think? I know it’s hard — especially being in high-school, I care so much about the opinions of others — but this week, I urge you to ignore others. Listen to your heart. Listen to yourself. You are beautiful, and you are worth it.

Hi! I’m Casey Keys, a 16-year-old from a crusty, dusty town in Illinois. If you enjoyed this article, you may be interested to know that I pledged to write an article a day, starting on February 7, 2021. You can check out my other articles here on Medium, at https://thecaseykeys.medium.com/



Casey Keys

Bad ideas make great memories. Also, I'm scared of spiders. Like, terrified of spiders. 📬 thecaseykeys@gmail.com