Do Something — Anything (as long as it’s not illegal!)

Casey Keys
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

This is the first sentence of the first blog post I’ve ever written. Well, with that opening line, we’re already off to a bangarang start! Okay, but, real talk: nobody tells you how hard it is to actually start something like this! I’ve been sitting at my computer now for hours, typing and erasing sentence after sentence — line after line — of blog openings. None of them feel right. They just don’t have my vibe, you know what I’m saying? So I turned to stating the obvious: this is the first sentence of the first blog post I’ve ever written. Great going with that one, Casey! Real winner right there!

Regardless of how utterly dull or uninteresting my opening sentence is, it’s there! It exists. And, I’m not even so happy that it exists as I am that I. Did. It. I did it! I took the first step! Y’all! I’m not even kidding when I tell you that they do NOT tell you how hard this is! And that’s kind of why I’m doing it — to challenge myself, and to bring something new into my life.

I’m a 16-year-old boy from a crusty old, run-down town in the middle of Illinois. And I have struggled with mental health issues for almost as long as I can remember. Back in fifth grade was the first time I remember just feeling emotionally … numb. We were on a cruise over Christmas break — a Disney cruise of all things! I should have been happy beyond my imagination, and yet, when we returned home, I realized I hadn’t felt anything through the whole trip. Since then, it’s only gotten worse. And while my mental health isn’t what I’m here to talk about, it’s what brought me here. Starting today, I am committing to writing a blog every single day for the next year. Every. Single. Goshdarn. Day. All 365. And I know it’s not some pretty starting point — it’s not the first of the year, heck! It’s not even the first of the month! But I wanted to start today, to prove to myself that I can do something.

Guys. I’m scared. Of failing. Failing you all, failing my family. Failing myself. But I decided to take this first step because too often I let fear control my life. I let it manipulate me into believing things I shouldn’t believe: that I’m not strong enough, not powerful enough, not good enough. That I’m flat out not enough. I let its power prevent me from doing the things I want to do. But no more! I’m taking this risk and putting something out there! And, yeah, this blog isn’t perfect. But you know what? It’s something.

Do something. Such a simple phrase, and yet it’s so powerful. Through my mental issues, I’ve realized that I need a purpose to be happy. At one point, that purpose was learning French. A basic task, really, and yet it made me happy just to have that tangible purpose — to be able to focus my energy into something.

While writing has always been a passion of mine, this is the first time I’m doing something about it. I encourage you to look within yourself to find something you’re passionate about, and give it a try. You don’t have to commit to it for 365 days, as I am with blogging, but maybe make it a weekly goal. Maybe, “I want to paint at least one picture every week” or “I want to upload a Youtube video every month.” Whatever it is that you’re passionate about, do it. Do something.

This year, I’m writing for many reasons. As I’ve said, I’m passionate about writing. I want to do something with my time. But I also want to develop as a person. I’m hoping to be more in-tuned with myself, and the world around me. To take notice of the meaningful aspects of my life. To share my personal experiences to help and inspire others.

Whatever your reasons, take that first step. Your first attempt won’t go perfectly — heck I started this blog with: this is the first sentence of the first blog post I’ve ever written. No matter what happens you’ll gain valuable experience. And you’ll be doing something. It will make you happier, and your life fuller. Don’t just sit around waiting for joy to find you; it never will — take it from me. But you have the power to do something about it. Something. Anything.



Casey Keys

Bad ideas make great memories. Also, I'm scared of spiders. Like, terrified of spiders. 📬